*Wildcard Redirects: Boost SEO by Routing *.domain.com to Main Site

by | Oct 7, 2023 | How & What

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the competition is crucial. One effective strategy that has gained popularity among SEO experts is wildcard redirects. By configuring your website to route subdomains with wildcard (*) to the main site, you can improve your SEO performance significantly.

In this article, we will explore the concept of wildcard redirects, how they work, and how you can create Wildcard redirects.

So, let’s get started.

Understanding Wildcard Redirects

A wildcard redirect, often denoted by an asterisk (*) in the domain setup, is a powerful tool that allows you to redirect all subdomains of a domain to a specific destination.

For example, if your main website is “example.com,” a wildcard redirect would capture requests to any subdomain, such as “blog.example.com,” “shop.example.com,” or even “news.example.com,” and direct them to the main site at “example.com.”

This redirection is done seamlessly without altering the URL in the user’s browser, creating a unified experience.

Also Read: Does Redirecting A URL Affect SEO? Explained

How Wildcard Redirects Work?

Wildcard redirects are typically implemented through server configuration using tools like Apache, Nginx or through your hosting provider’s control panel. The process involves setting up a rule that captures all subdomains and redirects them to the main domain.

This is achieved using a simple regular expression or configuration rule that matches any subdomain and forwards the user to the main website.

How to Create Wildcard Redirects?

Now, let’s learn how to create Wildcard Redirects.

1. Access Your Server or Control Panel: Log in to your hosting account or server.

2. Backup Your Website: Before making changes, back up your site for safety.

3. Locate Redirect Configuration: Find the redirect options in your hosting control panel or server settings.

How to Create Wildcard Redirects?

4. Create the Redirect Rule: Use regex or wildcard characters (e.g., *) to redirect all subdomains to your main domain.

5. Test Thoroughly: Check that all subdomains redirect correctly to the main domain.

6. Monitor and Maintain: Keep an eye on your site’s performance and update links and content as needed.

Also Read: Analyzing Traffic with Subdomain Wildcards Redirects

Elevate Your SEO Strategy with RedirHub

In the world of website management and SEO optimization, having a reliable tool to handle URL redirects can be a game-changer. That’s where RedirHub comes into play.

Elevate Your SEO Strategy with RedirHub

Here are some key features that you must know.

  • Path-Based Redirect: Customize user experiences and enhance SEO with path-based redirects.
  • Custom 404 Redirect: Avoid 404 errors by setting up redirects for unmatched paths.
  • Choose Response Codes: Select the right response codes for your SEO needs.
  • Wildcard Domain Redirect: Redirect any subdomain on your top-level domain efficiently.
  • Source Path & Query Keep: Maintain paths and queries for seamless redirection.
  • Redirect Randomly: Run A/B tests or distribute traffic randomly to multiple destinations.

When implementing wildcard redirects, RedirHub’s features can be a valuable asset. Whether you’re consolidating authority, improving user experience, or managing multiple redirects seamlessly, RedirHub empowers your SEO efforts.

So, if you’re aiming to enhance your SEO strategy through wildcard redirects, RedirHub is your go-to solution. Start optimizing your website’s performance and SEO today with RedirHub.

Also Read: New Feature: Random Redirect


Wildcard redirects offer a potent SEO strategy for website owners looking to streamline their online presence and boost their search engine rankings. By consolidating authority, improving user experience, and simplifying content management, wildcard redirects provide a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your SEO efforts.

However, it’s essential to implement them correctly and monitor their performance to ensure they continue to support your SEO goals. If done right, wildcard redirects can be a valuable asset in your quest for better search engine visibility and higher organic traffic.

Tauseeq Magsi

Tauseeq Magsi


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