How Can I Set The Redirection For The Main And Sub URL?

by | Feb 14, 2024 | How & What

Are you having trouble setting up redirection for the main and sub URLs? Dealing with redirects for your website’s main domain and its subdirectories or subdomains can be confusing. But don’t worry! This article is here to help you out.

Whether you’re rebranding, changing your website structure, or just improving user experience, understanding how to do redirection for your main and sub URLs is important.

By the end of this article, you will have all the knowledge you need to handle URL redirection with ease, making sure your visitors always get to the right place on your site.

So, let’s get started.

Understanding the Redirection for the Main and Sub URL

Understanding the Redirection for the Main and Sub URL

Before getting straight to the steps to redirect the main and sub URLs, it’s better to first understand what is this process and why you need to do it.

In simple terms, URL redirection is like sending mail to a new address when you move. When you change a web page’s URL, or when you have a subdirectory or subdomain that needs to point elsewhere, you use redirection to ensure that visitors and search engines find the new location without any confusion.

Now, let’s address the “why.” Imagine your website is like a big bookstore with different sections. The main URL is the entrance, and the subdirectories or subdomains are sections within the store. Sometimes, you need to rearrange the store, move sections, or even change the address.

That’s where redirection comes in.

  1. Preserving User Experience: Redirection ensures that when visitors click on an old link or enter a familiar subdirectory, they still end up at the right spot. This keeps them happy and prevents frustration.
  2. Maintaining SEO Value: Search engines, like Google, rank web pages based on their content and authority. When you change URLs without proper redirection, you risk losing SEO rankings. Redirection helps you retain those valuable rankings.
  3. Managing Changes: Whether you’re rebranding, restructuring your site, or relocating sections, redirection helps manage these transitions smoothly. It keeps your website organized and efficient.

Now that we understand the “what” and “why” let’s move on to the “how.”

How to Set the Redirection for the Main and Sub URL?

In roder to set the redirection for the main and sub URL, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign In to RedirHub

Start by logging in to your RedirHub account. If you don’t have an account yet, you can quickly sign up for one on the RedirHub website.

Step 2: Access the Dashboard

Once you are logged in, you will land on the user-friendly dashboard. This is where you can manage all your redirections effortlessly.

Step 3: Create a New Redirect

Now go to Redirects and then click on the “New Redirect” option, which is prominently displayed on the dashboard. This initiates the process of setting up a redirect.

Step 4: Input the Old URL

In the next step, you will be prompted to enter the Sub URL (the one you want to redirect from).

Step 5: Choose the Type of Redirect

RedirHub offers different types of redirects, including the recommended 301 permanent redirects. Select the type that suits your needs. You can also go for 302 redirects which is a temporary redirect.

Step 6: Input the New URL

Now enter the Main URL (where you want visitors to be directed) and hit the Next button.

Step 7: Create Your Redirect

After inputting the old and new URLs, click the “Create” button. RedirHub will handle the technical aspects, setting up the redirection for you.

That’s it. You have successfully created a redirect from the amin and sub URLs.

But you must be wondering how setting up redirection with the RedirHub is beneficial. Why we have recommended this method?

Let’s discuss this in detail.

How Setting Up Redirection With the RedirHub is Beneficial?

Setting up redirection in other ways, such as through your hosting’s cPanel, can often be challenging and time-consuming. Here’s why using RedirHub stands out with its deeper benefits:

1. Simplicity Over Technical Complexity:

Many website owners find cPanel’s redirection options to be complex and technical. RedirHub, on the other hand, provides a simple and straightforward interface. You don’t need to navigate through intricate settings or deal with confusing technical jargon.

2. Time-Efficiency:

Configuring redirection in cPanel may require digging through various menus and options, which can be time-consuming. RedirHub streamlines the process, allowing you to set up redirects quickly and efficiently. This means you can spend less time on technical tasks and more on other aspects of your website.

3. User-Friendly Experience:

cPanel interfaces can be intimidating for those who are not familiar with web hosting. RedirHub offers a user-friendly experience that’s accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical background. You don’t need to be an IT expert to manage your redirects effectively.

4. Centralized Management:

cPanel might require you to manage different aspects of your website from multiple places, making it cumbersome. RedirHub provides centralized management for your redirections, allowing you to handle all your redirects from one convenient dashboard. This reduces confusion and makes it easier to maintain and update your redirects.

5. Error Prevention:

Setting up redirects in cPanel can sometimes lead to errors, especially if you’re not well-versed in the process. RedirHub simplifies the setup, reducing the risk of mistakes. This means you’re less likely to encounter issues like broken links or faulty redirects.

6. Expert Guidance and Support:

While cPanel offers options for redirection, it may lack dedicated support and guidance. RedirHub, on the other hand, provides expert assistance and support, ensuring that you have help when you need it. This level of support can be invaluable, especially for those new to managing redirects.

So that is why using RedirHub for all your URL redirection needs is beneficial.

Final Words

Now that you have learned how to set up redirection for both the main and sub URLs, you’re well-equipped to manage this crucial aspect of your website.

Redirecting URLs effectively ensures a seamless user experience and preserves valuable SEO rankings.

Whether you are rebranding, restructuring, or optimizing your website, understanding and using redirection tools like RedirHub can simplify the process.

Tauseeq Magsi

Tauseeq Magsi


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